Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Year 4 Exam reminder: English: Comprehension + Synonyms & Antonyms @ Eduventure

Eduventure's 11+ Year 4 mock exam for tomorrow_11.02.24 :
English: Comprehension + Synonyms & Antonyms

Applicable for registered parents only - Registration via

Package details:
a. 1️⃣ Exam costs £5
b. 5️⃣ Exam costs £15

1. Make the payment to the bank account (If you haven't done it already):
Account name: Nuvmarcs Limited
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account number: 63020166
Payment Reference: URN – (Number that has been shared via email)
2. Send confirmation to 07738 022003: "Payment made" to receive acknowledgment from our end.
3. 11.02.24 - A customized test link will be shared to your Registered email address.
4. Submit the test before 15.02.24 midnight.
5. 17.02.24, Results and Answers to be shared directly with you.
Any questions, please check with us directly at 07738 022003

Good Luck!
Team Eduventure

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

11+ Year 4 Exam like tricky question: Maths @ Eduventure

 11Plus Year 4 Exam like❓challenge from Eduventure 🎓:

There are 22 litres in the petrol tank of a Range Rover, it is 1/3 filled, how many more litres will it hold?


🌠Share your answers to 07738 022003 by checking with your Year 4 child preparing for 11Plus grammar school exams.

To gain 11Plus guidance:
Team Eduventure

11+ Year 5 Exam like question challenege @ Eduventure

 11Plus Year 5 Exam like❓challenge from Eduventure 🎓:

A wire of length 4m was cut into equal lengths using 4 cuts. How long is each piece =


🌠Share your answers to 07738 022003 by checking with your Year 5 child preparing for 11Plus grammar school exams.

To gain 11Plus guidance:

Team Eduventure

11+ Year 5 Exam like question: Maths @ Eduventure

 11Plus Year 5 Exam like❓challenge from Eduventure 🎓:

{4*(1/2) - 2*(4/7)} * {1*(1/2) + 2*(7/9)} =

🌠Share your answers in the group or to 07738 022003 by checking with your Year 5 child preparing for 11Plus grammar school exams.

To gain 11Plus guidance:
Team Eduventure

Monday, 5 February 2024

#Recommended book for 11 plus: Mrs Frisby and The Rats of Nihm - Robert C. O’Brien - Eduventure

 Continuing our #recommended book series, Eduventure would like to recommend the below 📚 on Genre: Animals for Year 5 and Year 4 Eleven Plus kids:

📘 Mrs Frisby and The Rats of Nihm - Robert C. O’Brien

📙 Sandy Lane Stables - Michelle Bates

More Genres, Books to follow... Your feedback on recommended books, is appreciated.
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.. The man who never reads lives only one.” - George R.R. Martin. While in our case the kid who never reads will find it tough to clear 11 Plus.

To gain 11Plus guidance:
Team Eduventure

#Recommended book for 11 plus: The Midnight Fox by Betsy Byars - Eduventure

Continuing our #recommended book series, Eduventure would like to recommend the below 📚 on Genre: Animals for Year 5 and Year 4 Eleven Plus kids:

📘 The Midnight Fox by Betsy Byars
📙 The Hundred and One Dalmations by Dodie Smith
📕 The Rover Adventues by Roddy Doyle
📗 Wild Lives series by Nick Arnold
More Genres, Books to follow... Your feedback on recommended books, is appreciated.
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.. The man who never reads lives only one.” - George R.R. Martin. While in our case the kid who never reads will find it tough to clear 11 Plus.

To gain 11Plus guidance:
Team Eduventure

🔍 Embark on a Word Adventure Every Tricky Monday

 🔍 Embark on a Word Adventure Every Tricky Monday

Hello Parents,
Welcome to the captivating world of words with Eduventure! 🌟 Every Monday, we unveil a treasure trove of intriguing vocabulary to elevate your child's linguistic skills and supercharge their preparation for the upcoming 11+ exams.

This week's word list:

Deteriorate: Worsen
Deterrent: Something that discourages from doing
Detrimental: Harmful
Devious: Sneaky
Devoted: Committed
Diametrically: Completely
Diminish: Decrease
Din: Noise
Discreet: Cautious
Disembark: Alight

💬 Word Challenge:
Ready to unleash your creativity? Craft a sentence using any of these A-list words! Share your linguistic prowess in the comments below, and let the wordplay begin!

📝 For example: "During the adventurous hike, we had to clamber over rocks and tree roots to reach the breathtaking view at the mountaintop."

💪 For 11Plus guidance, contact us at:

Creative Writing Sample feedback

 📢 Parents, Don’t Miss Out! ❤ With 25+ parents already on board, we know the BIGGEST question on your mind: 👉 “Can I see a sample of the f...