Saturday, 3 February 2024

Eduventure Exam Series: 03.02.24 - Tables, Data Handling, Comprehension, Synonyms & Antonyms

 Eduventure's Year 5 #11plus mock exam for tomorrow_03.02.24:

Maths: Tables, Data Handling, Co-ordination & Transformation
English: Comprehension + Synonyms & Antonyms
Applicable for registered parents only - Registration via

Package details:
a. βΏ‘ Exam costs Β£7 (1 Exam = 2 or more Exam papers)
b. βΏ£ months package costs Β£67 (13 Exams = 32 Exam papers)
1. Make the payment to the bank account
2. Send confirmation to 07738 022003: "Payment made" to receive acknowledgment from our end.
3. 03.02.24 - customized test link will be shared to your Registered email address.
4. Submit the test before 04.02.24 midnight.
5. 06.02.24, Results and Answers to be shared directly to you.
Any questions, please check with us directly on: 07738 022003
Good Luck!
Team Eduventure
So what are you waiting for! Get on your device and we are looking to hear you.

11+ Year 5 Mock exam Topic: Tables & Data Handling @Eduventure

 Hello Parents,

#Examrevision - We are glad to continue the Exam revision series πŸ‘©β€πŸ« i.e. content that will help your child to have a quick revisionπŸ’₯ of the concept before appearing for the 11+ Year 5 Eduventure mock exam coming up this weekend. This is something that your child can use before the Grammar school exam too. πŸ”‘
πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“Topics: Tables & Data Handling

We hope this will be useful to your child and a Thumbs up or a DM to our number (07738 022003) in terms of feedback will be helpful. Eduventure wants to make sure your child is exam-ready!
Please note: Such topics will be shared with parents who have subscribed to our services in due course of time.
To gain 11Plus guidance:
Team Eduventure
So what are you waiting for! Get on your device and we are looking to hear you.

Monday, 29 January 2024

πŸ” Embark on a Word Adventure Every Tricky Monday

 πŸ” Embark on a Word Adventure Every Tricky Monday

Hello Parents,
Welcome to the captivating world of words with Eduventure! 🌟 Every Monday, we unveil a treasure trove of intriguing vocabulary to elevate your child's linguistic skills and supercharge their preparation for the upcoming 11+ exams.

This week's word list:
Debonair: Confident
Decree: Command
Deduction: Inference
Deficient: Lacking
Delude: Deceive
Demure: Modest
Deranged: Insane
Derelict: Abandoned
Destination: Endpoint
Destitute: Extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself

πŸ’¬ Word Challenge:
Ready to unleash your creativity? Craft a sentence using any of these A-list words! Share your linguistic prowess in the comments below, and let the wordplay begin!

πŸ“ For example: "The derelict building stood in stark contrast to the bustling city, its broken windows and crumbling walls telling a silent story of neglect and abandonment."

πŸ’ͺ For 11Plus guidance, contact us at:

Friday, 26 January 2024

Exam Revision - Algebra - 11+ Year 5

 Hello Parents,

#Examrevision - We are glad to continue Exam revision series πŸ‘©β€πŸ« i.e. content that will help your child to have a quick revisionπŸ’₯ of the concept before appearing for 11+ Year 5 Eduventure mock exam coming up this weekend. This is something that your child can use before the Grammar school exam too. πŸ”‘

πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“Topic: πŸ…°οΈlgebra

We hope this will be useful to your child and a Thumbs up or a DM to our number (07738 022003) in terms of feedback will be helpful. Eduventure wants to make sure your child is Exam Ready!

Please note: Such topics will be shared with parents who have subscribed our services in due course of time.

To gain 11Plus guidance:
Team Eduventure

Monday, 22 January 2024

πŸ” Embark on a Word Adventure Every Tricky Monday

 πŸ” Embark on a Word Adventure Every Tricky Monday 

Hello Parents,
Welcome to the captivating world of words with Eduventure! 🌟 Every Monday, we unveil a treasure trove of intriguing vocabulary to elevate your child's linguistic skills and supercharge their preparation for the upcoming 11+ exams.

This week's word list:

Clamber = Climb with difficulty
Coax = Persuade gently
Coincidence = Serendipity
Commence = Begin
Compel = Force or oblige to do something
Complicit = Helping to commit a crime
Compliment = A polite expression of praise or admiration
Compose = Write or create
Compromise = Settlement
Concede = Admit

πŸ’¬ Word Challenge:
Ready to unleash your creativity? Craft a sentence using any of these A-list words! Share your linguistic prowess in the comments below, and let the wordplay begin! 

πŸ“ For example: "During the adventurous hike, we had to clamber over rocks and tree roots to reach the breathtaking view at the mountaintop."

πŸ’ͺ For 11Plus guidance, join our WhatsApp group: or Register via 07738 022003 | by filling: | or logon:

Monday, 15 January 2024

πŸ” Embark on a Word Adventure Every Tricky Monday

 πŸ” Embark on a Word Adventure Every Tricky Monday 

Hello Parents,
Welcome to the captivating world of words with Eduventure! 🌟 Every Monday, we unveil a treasure trove of intriguing vocabulary to elevate your child's linguistic skills and supercharge their preparation for the upcoming 11+ exams.

This week's word list:
Conquer = Take control of
Conscience = Morality
Conspire = Plot
Contemplate = Ponder
Contempt = Disrespectful
Continuous = Without interruption
Conundrum = Puzzle
Convince = Persuade to do something
Cooperative = Collaborative
Cordial = Warm and Friendly

πŸ’¬ Word Challenge:
Ready to unleash your creativity? Craft a sentence using any of these words! Share your linguistic prowess in the comments below, and let the wordplay begin! 

πŸ“ For example:"He bravely faced and conquered all the tough tasks in front of him."

πŸ’ͺ For 11Plus guidance, join our WhatsApp group: or Register via 07738 022003 | by filling: | or logon:

Saturday, 13 January 2024

Year 4 Mock Exam Timetable for 11+

πŸ“š Year 4 Mock Exam Timetable for 11+ πŸ•’ Excited to share our schedule! Prepare for success with our comprehensive mock tests. 

Join us at Eduventure, where dreams are cradled, and futures are crafted with heart. Your child's brilliance is not just a destination; it's a tender, heartfelt journey. πŸ’–πŸ“š

πŸ’ͺ For 11Plus guidance, join our WhatsApp group: or Register via 07738 022003 | by filling: | or logon: 

Creative Writing Sample feedback

 πŸ“’ Parents, Don’t Miss Out! ❀ With 25+ parents already on board, we know the BIGGEST question on your mind: πŸ‘‰ β€œCan I see a sample of the f...