Thursday, 28 December 2023

11Plus Exam like question - English

 11Plus Exam like❓challenge from Eduventure 🎓:

Crocodiles and lions that happily pick {(A) down | (B) by | (C) off | (D) with | (E) up} the weak and lame.

🌠Share your answers in the group or to 07738 022003 by checking with your Year 4 or Year 5 child preparing for 11Plus grammar school exams.

To gain 11Plus guidance join Whatsapp group: Year 5 Kids - | Year 4 Kids - or Register via 07738 022003 or Fill in:

So what are you waiting for! Get on your device and we are looking to hear you.

Year 5 - 11+ Mock Exam reminder

Eduventure's Year 5 #11plus mock exam for tomorrow_30.12.23:

Maths: Percentage
English: Comprehension & SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
Applicable for registered parents only - Registration via
Package details:
a. Remaining 9️⃣ exams costs £50 (>= 19 papers)
b. 1️⃣ Exam costs £7 (1 Exam = 2 or more Exam papers)
c. 3️⃣ months package costs £67 (13 Exams = 32 Exam papers)

1. Make the payment to the bank account:
Account name: Nuvmarcs Limited
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account number: 63020166
Payment Reference: URN – (Number that has been shared via email)
2. Send confirmation to 07738 022003: "Payment made" to receive acknowledgment from our end.
3. 30.12.23 - customized test link will be shared to your Registered email address.
4. Submit the test before 31.12.23 midnight.
5. 02.01.24, Results and Answers to be shared directly to you.
Any questions, please check with us directly on: 07738 022003

To gain 11Plus guidance join Whatsapp group: Year 5 Kids - | Year 4 Kids - or Register via 07738 022003 or Fill in:
So what are you waiting for! Get on your device and we are looking to hear you.

Saturday, 23 December 2023

Practice makes perfect: why mock exams are great for students’ brains

 Curious about the science behind why mock exams are instrumental for your child's cognitive development? 🧠✨ Check out this enlightening article from The Guardian on why mock exams are great for students’ brains: "Practice makes perfect: why mock exams are great for students’ brains"

What we are doing? We are glad to announce the 🚀 launch of 11Plus Year 4 Mock exams on 28.01.24: Foundation of Brilliance 🏗

📚 Check out below to know how our Year 4 mock tests get your child 11Plus Exam ready!

📝 Real Exam Experience: Eduventure goes beyond conventional learning by creating a simulated environment for Year 4 students. This not only helps solidify their understanding of the 11plus format but also familiarizes them with the exam conditions they'll encounter.

🎯 Targeted Skill Development: The mock tests strategically focus on honing essential skills in English, Mathematics, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning. This approach is dedicated to building core abilities that are fundamental for success in the challenging 11Plus exams.

📈 Continuous Improvement: Each test serves as a stepping stone, offering valuable insights into your child's strengths and areas for improvement. It's not just about practicing; it's about building a trajectory of progress and refinement.

📝 Early Start, Better Practice: Year 4 is a critical stage in a child's education, and Eduventure recognizes the importance of tackling tricky concepts head-on. By engaging in mock tests, students can evaluate their learning and address challenging concepts early on, ensuring a solid foundation for future studies.

🌐 Future-Ready Minds: Beyond the realm of exams, Eduventure is committed to nurturing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The program empowers students to construct a foundation for their future success, fostering a mindset that extends beyond the confines of traditional education.

Ready to elevate exam readiness and construct a foundation for success? Join the brilliance journey with Year 4 mock tests at Eduventure! 💪

💪 For 11Plus guidance, join our WhatsApp group: or Register via 07738 022003 | by filling: | or logon:


#11plustips #grammarschool #Eduventure #11plus #onlineexam #11plusprep #mockexam #11plusexams #11plusexamspreparation #11plusmaths #year5 #year4 #essexgrammar #berkshiregrammers #11plustutor #qeboysbarnet #englandgrammarschool #TrialExam #freeexam #elevenplus #suttonmums #parentinglife #birminghammums #verbalreasoning #nonverbalreasoning #11plusenglish #CREATIVEWRITING #londonmums #HenriettaBarnettSchool

Friday, 22 December 2023

Year 5 - 11+ Mock Exam reminder

Eduventure's Year 5 #11plus mock exam for tomorrow_23.12.23:

Maths: Money
English: Comprehension

Applicable for registered parents only - Registration via

Package details:
a. Remaining 9️⃣ exams costs £50 (>= 19 papers)
b. 1️⃣ Exam costs £7 (1 Exam = 2 or more Exam papers)
c. 3️⃣ months package costs £67 (13 Exams = 32 Exam papers)

1. Make the payment to the bank account:
Account name: Nuvmarcs Limited
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account number: 63020166
Payment Reference: URN – (Number that has been shared via email)

2. Send confirmation to 07738 022003: "Payment made" to receive acknowledgment from our end.
3. 23.12.23 - customized test link will be shared to your Registered email address.
4. Submit the test before 24.12.23 midnight.
5. 26.12.23, Results and Answers to be shared directly to you.
Any questions, please check with us directly on: 07738 022003

To gain 11Plus guidance join Whatsapp group: Year 5 Kids - | Year 4 Kids - or Register via 07738 022003 or Fill in:

So what are you waiting for! Get on your device and we are looking to hear you.

Thursday, 21 December 2023

9 Exams Package!

💥 Don't miss out!

🚀 #Eduventure's #11plus topic wise Mock exams is in full flow. On 🅿arents demand we are glad to share a customized package💣 specially for their child to appear for remaining 9️⃣ exams if they do not wish to opt for the entire 3️⃣ months package.

Package details:
a. Remaining 9️⃣ exams costs £50 (>= 19 papers)
b. 1️⃣ Exam costs £7 (1 Exam = 2 or more Exam papers)
c. 3️⃣ months package costs £67 (13 Exams = 32 Exam papers)

c. Starting date: 23.12.23 (Offer 'a' starting date)
d. Subjects Tested: English, Maths, VR & NVR
e Medium: Online
f. Exams will be shared on Saturday of every weekend and need to be submitted by Sunday midnight.

Only Registered members can avail.

To gain 11Plus guidance join Whatsapp group: Year 5 Kids - | Year 4 Kids - or Register via 07738 022003 or Fill in:
So what are you waiting for! Get on your device and we are looking to hear you.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Exam like questions challenge - Maths

11Plus Exam like❓challenge from Eduventure 🎓:

An aeroplane travelled at 792 km/h. What was the speed in meters per second?

a. 0.22 m/s
b. 22 m/s
c. 2200 m/s
d. 220 m/s

🌠Share your answers by checking with your Year 4 or Year 5 child preparing for 11Plus grammar school exams.

To gain 11Plus guidance join Whatsapp group: Year 5 Kids - | Year 4 Kids - or Register via 07738 022003 or Fill in:

So what are you waiting for! Get on your device and we are looking to hear you.

Monday, 18 December 2023

 🔍 Embark on a Word Adventure Every Tricky Monday

Hello Parents,
Welcome to the captivating world of words with Eduventure! 🌟 Every Monday, we unveil a treasure trove of intriguing vocabulary to elevate your child's linguistic skills and supercharge their preparation for the upcoming 11+ exams.

This week's word list:
Acclaim = Praise enthusiastically
Adamant = Determined
Adhere = Follow
Admirable = Praiseworthy
Adorn = Decorate
Adventurous = Brave
Aeon = Very long time
Agitated = Worried
Agonising = Very painful
Ailment = Illness

💬 Word Challenge:
Ready to unleash your creativity? Craft a sentence using any of these A-list words! Share your linguistic prowess in the comments below, and let the wordplay begin!

📝 For example: "Embarking on an adventurous journey through the dense jungle, the intrepid explorers discovered hidden treasures and untold mysteries."

To gain 11Plus guidance join or Register via 07738 022003 | by filling: | or logon:

So what are you waiting for! Get on your device and we are looking to hear you.

Creative Writing Sample feedback

 📢 Parents, Don’t Miss Out! ❤ With 25+ parents already on board, we know the BIGGEST question on your mind: 👉 “Can I see a sample of the f...