Monday, 20 January 2025

 🔍 Embark on a Word Adventure

Hello 👋 Parents,

Welcome to the captivating world of words with Eduventure! 🌟 A treasure trove of intriguing vocabulary to elevate your child's linguistic skills & supercharge 11+ preparations.

*This week's word list* :
Fiasco: a complete failure
Fickle: changing frequently
Fierce: ferocious
Flabbergast: Astonish
Flagrant: Obviously offensive
Flamboyant: stylishness
Flawless: perfect
Flippant: respectful attitude
Foreboding: anxiety
Formidable: powerful

💬 Sentence Challenge :
Craft a sentence using any of these words & have a better grip on them!

Team Eduventure 🚀
📞 077380 22003

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_15.02.25: English: Fiction Comprehension + Synonyms & Antonyms Maths: Decimal Fraction and Percentage Non Verbal Reasoning

 💥 Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_15.02.25: 💥

English: Fiction Comprehension + Synonyms & Antonyms

 Maths: Decimal Fraction and Percentage

Non Verbal Reasoning

> 1 Exam: £9 (2 or more papers)

> 14 Exams @ £90 (32 Papers)

> 2 Creative writing assignments @ £20

Paying for the first time: 

1. Send "payment made" confirmation to the group or DM us for acknowledgement. 

2. 15.02.25 - customized test links are shared to your Registered email address.

3. Submit the test before 16.02.25 midnight. 

4. 18.02.25, Results & Answers shared to your email address.

Good Luck! 👍

Team Eduventure 🚀

📞 077380 22003

Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_01.02.25: English: Fiction & Non Fictional Comprehension + Synonyms & Antonyms Maths: Probability, Ratio, Proportion & Averages Creative Writing

 💥 Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_01.02.25: 💥

English: Fiction & Non Fictional Comprehension + Synonyms & Antonyms

 Maths: Probability, Ratio, Proportion & Averages

Creative Writing

> 1 Exam: £9 (2 or more papers)

> 14 Exams @ £90 (32 Papers)

> 2 Creative writing assignments @ £20

Paying for the first time: 

1. Send "payment made" confirmation to the group or DM us for acknowledgement. 

2. 01.02.25 - customized test links are shared to your Registered email address.

3. Submit the test before 02.02.25 midnight. 

4. 04.02.25, Results & Answers shared to your email address.

Good Luck! 👍

Team Eduventure 🚀

📞 077380 22003

Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_08.02.25: English: Fiction Comprehension Maths: Angles Verbal Reasoning: Numerical & Non Numerical

💥 Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_08.02.25: 💥

English: Fiction Comprehension

 Maths: Angles

Verbal Reasoning: Numerical & Non Numerical

> 1 Exam: £9 (2 or more papers)

> 14 Exams @ £90 (32 Papers)

> 2 Creative writing assignments @ £20

Paying for the first time: 

1. Send "payment made" confirmation to the group or DM us for acknowledgement. 

2. 08.02.25 - customized test links are shared to your Registered email address.

3. Submit the test before 09.02.25 midnight. 

4. 11.02.25, Results & Answers shared to your email address.

Good Luck! 👍

Team Eduventure 🚀

📞 077380 22003

Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 *mock exams for tomorrow*_25.01.25: 💥 *English*: Fiction Comprehensions *Maths*: Tables data handling co-ordinates & transformation

 💥 Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 *mock exams for tomorrow*_25.01.25: 💥

*English*: Fiction Comprehensions
*Maths*: Tables data handling co-ordinates & transformation

> 1 Exam: £9 (2 or more papers)
> 14 Exams @ £90 (32 Papers)
> 2 Creative writing assignments @ £20

Paying for the first time:
1. Send "payment made" confirmation to the group or DM us for acknowledgement.
2. 25.01.25 - customized test links are shared to your Registered email address.
3. Submit the test before 26.01.25 midnight.
4. 28.01.25, Results & Answers shared to your email address.

Good Luck! 👍
Team Eduventure 🚀
📞 077380 22003

Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_18.01.25: 💥 English: Fiction Comprehension + CLOZE Maths: Algebra

 💥 Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_18.01.25: 💥

English: Fiction Comprehension + CLOZE

 Maths: Algebra

> 1 Exam: £9 (2 or more papers)

> 14 Exams @ £90 (32 Papers)

> 2 Creative writing assignments @ £20

Paying for the first time: 

1. Send "payment made" confirmation to the group or DM us for acknowledgement. 

2. 18.01.25 - customized test links are shared to your Registered email address.

3. Submit the test before 19.01.25 midnight. 

4. 21.01.25, Results & Answers shared to your email address.

Good Luck! 👍

Team Eduventure 🚀

Free practice 11+ Maths test work problems by Eduventure

 Hello Parents 👋,

FREE Practice test❗❗

Yes, you read it right❗ Eduventure's gesture for all the lovely parents ❤️ who have registered their children with us.

Simply click on the link:

and let your child attempt Maths - Word Problems

No. of questions: 10
Time to complete: up to you.

Practice & Practice to get 11+ Exam ready. 🎓

Only Registered Parent's children can take this exam. If you have any issues logging in, please reach out.

Good luck!
Team Eduventure 🚀
📞 077380 22003

Free English - SPAG 11plus practice test by Eduventure

 Hello Parents 👋,

FREE Practice test❗❗

Yes, you read it right❗ Eduventure's gesture for all the lovely parents ❤️ who have registered their children with us.

Simply click on the link:

and let your child attempt English - SPAG

No. of questions: 10
Time to complete: up to you.

Practice & Practice to get 11+ Exam ready. 🎓

Only Registered Parent's children can take this exam. If you have any issues logging in, please reach out.

Good luck!
Team Eduventure 🚀
📞 077380 22003

11plus Topic wise mock exams by Eduventure: Maths, English, VR and NVR

 Hello Parents 👋

Many of you are worried that my child hasn't completed the learning and how will Topic wise exams help at this juncture❓

My child has too much to do and one more Exam will push their limits. Will Topic wise exams really help❓

and many other questions. Our response:
The image is enough to communicate that Topic wise exams are those small steps that will inculcate an Exam culture, Topic preparedness and Discipline.

At £90 for 33 papers with the flexibility to give them at your convenience opens a spectrum of testing that should not be missed.

Team Eduventure 🚀
📞 077380 22003

Thursday, 9 January 2025

11+ Tricky words by Eduventure

 🔍 Embark on a Word Adventure

Hello 👋 Parents,

Welcome to the captivating world of words with Eduventure! 🌟 A treasure trove of intriguing vocabulary to elevate your child's linguistic skills & supercharge 11+ preparations.

This week's word list :
Petulant: ill tempered
Plausible: Credible
Plummet: Rapid fall
Pompus: Grand
Ponder: Think about carefully
Potent: Having great power
Potential: showing the capacity to develop
Precarious: uncertain
Predicament: embarrassing situation
Preposterous: ridiculous

💬 Sentence Challenge :
Craft a sentence using any of these words & have a better grip on them!

Team Eduventure 🚀
📞 077380 22003

Eduventure would like to recommend books on various Genres to enhance Year 5 & Year 4 reading skills. Today's Genre is Animals and the books are listed below: a. The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling 📕 b. Dreamseeker Triology by Jenny Oldfield 📘

 “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.. The man who never reads lives only one.” - George R.R. Martin. While in our case the kid who never reads will find it tough to clear 11 Plus Grammar school exams.

#Eduventure would like to recommend books on various Genres to enhance Year 5 & Year 4 reading skills.

Today's Genre is Animals and the books are listed below:
a. The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling 📕
b. Dreamseeker Triology by Jenny Oldfield 📘
More Genres, Books to follow... 📚

Team Eduventure 🚀
📞 077380 22003
#11plustips #grammarschool #Eduventure #11plus #onlineexam #11plusprep #mockexam #11plusexams #11plusexamspreparation #11plusmaths #year5 #year4 #essexgrammar #berkshiregrammers #11plustutor #qeboysbarnet #englandgrammarschool #elevenplus #suttonmums #parentinglife #vocabularywords #birminghammums #grammar #schoolholidays #londongrammarschool #verbalreasoning #11plusenglish #HenriettaBarnettSchool

Recommended Reading books for Year 4 & 5 11plus students

 “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.. The man who never reads lives only one.” - George R.R. Martin. While in our case the kid who never reads will find it tough to clear 11 Plus Grammar school exams.

#Eduventure would like to *recommend books* on various Genres to enhance Year 5 & Year 4 reading skills.

Today's Genre is *Animals* and the books are listed below:

a. The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling 📕

b. Dreamseeker Triology by Jenny Oldfield 📘

More Genres, Books to follow... 📚

Team Eduventure 🚀

📞 077380 22003


Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_11.01.25: 💥 English: Fiction Comprehension Maths: Average, Clock and Sets Non Verbal Reasoning

 💥 Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_11.01.25: 💥

English: Fiction Comprehension

 Maths: Average, Clock and Sets

Non Verbal Reasoning

> 1 Exam: £9 (2 or more papers)

> 14 Exams @ £90 (32 Papers)

> 2 Creative writing assignments @ £20

Paying for the first time: 

1. Send "payment made" confirmation to the group or DM us for acknowledgement. 

2. 11.01.25 - customized test links are shared to your Registered email address.

3. Submit the test before 12.01.25 midnight. 

4. 14.01.25, Results & Answers shared to your email address.

Good Luck! 👍

Team Eduventure 🚀

📞 077380 22003

English: Synonym | Antonym @ Eduventure

 Synonym | Antonym let's get it! 🔓

A series dedicated to learning Synonyms & Antonyms that is one of the key topics in clearing 11+ English Grammar school exam.

💥 This week's word list: WORD | SYNONYM | ANTONYM 💥

ambitious | aspiring | lazy

antagonize | provoke | soothe

apparent | evident | hidden

approve | accept | dissprove

arrive | reach | leave

arrogant | haughty | humble

artificial | fake | real

💪 Dive into 11Plus guidance:

Team Eduventure 🚀

📲 07738 022003

Friday, 3 January 2025

Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_04.01.25: English: Speed Test Maths: Word Problems Verbal Reasoning

💥 Eduventure's 11+ Year 5 mock exams for tomorrow_04.01.25: 💥

English: Speed Test
Maths: Word Problems
Verbal Reasoning

> 1 Exam: £9 (2 or more papers)
> 14 Exams @ £90 (32 Papers)
> 2 Creative writing assignments @ £20

Paying for the first time:
1. Send "payment made" confirmation to the group or DM us for acknowledgement.
2. 04.01.25 - customized test links are shared to your Registered email address.
3. Submit the test before 05.01.25 midnight.
4. 07.01.25, Results & Answers shared to your email address.

Good Luck! 👍
Team Eduventure 🚀
📞 077380 2200

So what are you waiting for! Get on your device and we are looking to hear you.

Creative Writing Sample feedback

 📢 Parents, Don’t Miss Out! ❤ With 25+ parents already on board, we know the BIGGEST question on your mind: 👉 “Can I see a sample of the f...